Work Sheet Management

In worksheet management module, employee can record their day to day planned and completed activity with no of hours worked on any particular activity and on which Job or Project. There approvals to monitor these hours and activity. You can work out and even estimate the project cost based on the hours entered by employee. You can share these activity data with client also for project work hours billing. You can configure the email and mobile notifications for every worksheet submitted

Customize your Timesheet

The different departments within a company prefer a different type of timesheets. Even Employees can customize the worksheets for convenience. These can work like a magic wand for the company’s growth. The timesheets can be made mandatory for payment of salary. At least the company will be better at analysing the reason for unproductiveness, employee performance and play a vital role in decision making.

Manage Project Time

The worksheet are transparent and easily shareable. The managers can view the worksheet of the employee and distribute the workload accordingly. Allow the worksheets to be initiated by the employee himself later add ons can be made by the head of the Department. The completed tasks can be marked and that will be notified to the team head.

Multilevel Worksheet Approval

The customized worksheet must at all times be sent to the team head or for multilevel approval. Now with Worksheet, the approval can be managed effectively. Multilevel Worksheet approvals can be defined & the same can be used for Salary calculation based on the Worksheet hours.

Comprehensive Worksheet Report

Since all the worksheets are managed completely online, it easy to calculate Project manpower costing reports based on the worksheet hours. Reports help the company to evaluate the required data. The entire data of clock in and clock out are displayed, it helps in the calculation of payroll. The data can also be used to appreciate the work of employees. A simple message or conversation with the employee will produce greater satisfied Employees. A team of good Employees builds a good company

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